Business Resources
Business Calculators
Use our business calculators, including our Commercial Loan Calculator, to estimate loan payments, compare financial products, determine potential profit margins and more.
Business Checking Switch Kit
We make it easy to switch your business accounts to Merchants. In just four easy steps, you can help your business do more with help from the expert local bankers at Merchants Bank.
SBA Resources
As a Small Business Administration (SBA) preferred lender, Merchants partners with the expertise of the SBA and encourages our customers to take advantage of their Small Business Development Centers and website for practical, worthwhile information.
Business eNewsletter
Get the latest news, financial insights for your business, tips and product updates from Merchants Bank. Our Business eNewsletter is sent a few times a year to provide you with helpful resources from your financial partner.
Personal Financial Statement
A Personal Financial Statement may be requested by your banker as part of your loan process. We've made access to the form easy.
Agriculture Balance Sheet
An Agriculture Balance Sheet may be requested by your banker as part of your loan process. We've made access to the form easy.
Business Tips
Read business-focused articles on our blog featuring Merchants Bank experts. We're to support your business by sharing our best practices and financial knowledge.
Security Tips
The safety of you and your business financial information is our top priority. It's our job as your bank and financial partner to help you stay educated on scams and fraud trends.